rekindle Coaching
Susanne Werblow is also a professional certified life coach. With her colleague and best friend Beth Page, they co-created rekindle in 2022, a life and purpose coaching business meant to “partner with women to help them navigate major life transitions, support their journeys and guide them in a personal reflection that will help them realign their lives around more meaning, health and joy.”

What is Coaching?
The International Coach Federation (ICF) defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”
More and more people of all walks of life want to explore this cutting edge modality that offers new possibilities of success and happiness. Having a coach by your side offering assistance without judgment, being a good listener and capable of thinking outside of the box will unleash new potential, switch mindsets, encourage you to do anything you want, and overcome inner fears and blocks.
Who will benefit most from our coaching?
We enjoy partnering with women who want to unlock their full potential, look at their blocks or fears, feel more aligned with their purpose, transition out of unsatisfying situations, seek more happiness, make their relationships with others more meaningful and supportive, live a healthier and balanced life.

Our coaching services
Transition Coaching
We partner with women in major life transitions to:
- Balance their work, family and personal lives
- Transition from a draining job to a more fulfilling job or start a business
- Navigate the aftermath of a divorce or a major separation
- Reimagine their empty nester lives
- Transition into healthy aging, implementing new dreams or bringing more purpose in their mid-lives
- Help plan for an active, healthy and meaningful retirement life
Format : individual coaching sessions
Health and wellness coaching, transition into a sustainable healthier lifestyle
Based on her own experience and life story, Susanne is passionate about helping women transition into new lifestyles that support better health, vibrancy and energy levels.
Format : individual coaching sessions
Couple’s coaching : building a better more loving relationship
Susanne is also passionate about couple’s coaching, helping young and less young couples to understand each other better on good days and under stress … She uses this really insightful assessment called Energy Leadership Index (ELI) and debriefs the couple together. It’s amazing to see how they light up when they understand that their loved one, generally, does not go into stress mode because of them, but because of their coping/protecting mechanism, these old programs they built way back then when they were young.
Format : individual ELI assessment followed by a couple’s debriefing session
Purpose coaching
Exploring existential questions such as “what made us who we are today”, “what do our loved ones see as our super powers”, “what advice would your end of life self give to your current self” and guiding you through the process to clarify your purpose, is at the heart of purpose coaching. You will be guided in a reflection that will help realign your life around more fulfillment and meaning. We invite you to reconnect to who you really are, figure out what your higher purpose is and how you want to live it.
- individual coaching sessions
- group retreats such as “Re-Ignite Your Purpose Retreat”
- private group retreats. Gather your friends and we can build you a custom retreat.
Overcoming fear and stop playing small coaching
The goal with this kind of coaching is to help you identify and understand what you want and what is blocking you from getting there and why.
A block is simply anything that hinders you from achieving a goal or a dream. It can be external (limited means, lack of education, health issues) or internal (mental blocks expressing itself mainly through fear). Internal blocks are related to your belief system and the resulting mindset (for eg. playing it small). We are debunking limiting beliefs, interpretations, assumptions and sabotaging self critics.
Format : individual coaching sessions
Current Rates and Appointments
Contact Susanne for questions or to schedule your first coaching session.
That first session is always free: we get a chance to meet and you get a first coaching experience, then decide if you want to go on a coaching journey with me.
Rates and packages are subject to change depending on the type of work we’re doing together.
Currently, Beth Page is not available for personal coaching sessions. She is actively partnering with Susanne on retreats. She will step into more individual coaching once her full time job as an executive coach permits it.
Susanne’s Story (she/her)
“Early in my career I was a busy change management consulting and executive coach in Paris. In 2011, I moved to the U.S. with my husband and kids and basically lost everything important to me: the proximity to my family, close friendships, an interesting job. Back then, I made the radical choice to stop my corporate career and focus on the wellbeing of my two kids and my health, while also investing my professional energy into my hobbies. I started a yoga business, elevated my career as an artist and joined a kirtan band as their harmonium player.
About ten years later, as I was preparing to become an empty nester, COVID hit and I celebrated my 50th birthday. I started thinking that I wanted more and realized that I still had half of my life in front of me ! I wanted to use my gifts, experiences and energy to have a second career. I wanted to find work that would be intellectually stimulating, purposeful, in balance with my life. Now, I am a life and purpose coach and in business with my best friend Beth. I love every single minute of what I do. I am free to organize my work in balance with my other passions : yoga, art, kirtan with my band, cooking and traveling. My level of happiness increased. My level of stress decreased and my health is better than ever.”
Susanne holds a Master in Management from HEC Paris and a Master in Urban Planning with ENPC. She is an IPEC certified professional life coach (CPC, ELI-MP and ICF ACC). Susanne has been a Kundalini Yoga Instructor for the past 10 years and founded Kundalini Yoga GR.
Beth’s Story (she/her)
“My story and new angle on purpose emerged when I turned sixty during 2020. The pandemic slowdown allowed for deep reflection about what I would do next. People asked me if I was thinking of retiring and it wasthe last thing I felt like doing. I had other chapters inside me waiting to be born. I love to learn and began to explore a multitude of models, modalities, and paths to look at what reimagining my life at 60 could look like. All of the exploration for me personally led to the eventual partnership and birth of the business with my dear friend Susanne: rekindle.
In addition to being a midlife explorer, I am a partner at RHR International and serve as a trusted leadership coach to executives in a wide variety of industries, meeting them where they are and creating roadmaps that revitalize and support them and their organizations to evolve. As a leadership advisor, I am evidence-based and empathetic, leveraging my expertise in positive psychology and neuroscience.”
Beth holds a PhD in counseling psychology from the University of Missouri and has earned certificates in Neuroscience for Business from MIT Sloan School of Management, Brain-Based Coaching from the NeuroLeadership Institute, and Design Your Life Coaching from the Stanford Design Thinking Program.