Currently, Susanne Werblow teaches three weekly hybrid Kundalini Yoga classes in person and live on zoom. You can have access to these classes by signing up for the 6 weeks series subscription.
Tuesdays 7:00-8:15 AM, Kriya of the Week
Wednesdays 9:30-10:45 AM, Kriya of the Week (repeat)
Thursdays 7:00-8:15 AM, Meditative Flow of the Week
Please always check our Facebook page to make sure the classes are being offered that specific week, as we do take time off during holidays or between series. You can sign up for the series through Eventbrite. Find the link on Kundalini Yoga GR facebook.
Susanne Werblow teaches with the seasons. She offers thematic series throughout the year in these weekly classes.
For example, “detox” in the spring, “boost your immune system” in the winter. Each series runs between 4 and 10 weeks, depending on the theme.
Each week, Susanne will focus on one specific aspect of the series. That way you get 3 chances to practice a specific aspect, before she moves onto the next focus of the series.
Also included in every series is admission to a private Facebook group, where Susanne posts links and resources to deepen your learning and help you commit to a home practice in between your regular classes.
Examples of Kundalini Yoga Series taught throughout the year:
- The Path to Detox (spring series)
- Fall Transitions (fall series)
- Fire Up Your Natural Defenses (winter series)
- Balance your chakra system
- Managing Stress
- The Ten human bodies
- For us Women, Kundalini Yoga for women health
- A journey through your digestive system
- How to stay healthy, yoga practice for health prevention