After experiencing back problems in 2006, my doctor said swimming or yoga were my best exercise options. I initially thought yoga was too slow and not for me, but I disliked cold water even more. So, I gave yoga a try and that’s how I discovered Kundalini Yoga. While it was “weird” at first, I felt better after my first session. Since then, Kundalini Yoga has become an integral part of my life.
Kundalini Yoga totally changed my relationship with my body. I started yoga because of my back problems. They quickly disappeared.
I also discovered how to better master my mind, and stay calm in the face of difficulty.
But it’s the work with the flow of energy that was the most impressive for me. Starting every day with my early morning practice is the best gift to myself! It just gets me through the day with so much more energy, balance and grace.

Kundalini Yoga Experience
After training at Spirit Rising Yoga in Chicago, I started teaching Kundalini Yoga in Grand Rapids in 2013.
What drives me as a certified Kundalini Yoga instructor is sharing these treasures of teachings and helping students get sufficiently knowledgeable and confident to start their own home practice. As I often tell my students: coming to my classes once or twice a week is great, but taking the teachings home and integrating them into a daily practice will change your life!
I am also an artist and my Kundalini Yoga practice nurtures my creativity. My paintings are displayed at the Vitalist Institute’s Studio.